자유게시판 글답변



My third and final day in Nara began with a hangover.

I woke up at 5am, took a morning bath while drinking fluids, then went back to sleep.

While my family enjoyed breakfast and the pool, I couldn't get out of bed, so I finally revived with a second morning bath and coffee before checking out!

My final day outfit was a simple dress.

The Jil Sander dress I brought for when I want to really laze around is made of a single piece of fabric and is light, not see-through, with a good fit and a sleek neckline, which gives it a neat look that is contrary to its comfort, so I find it very useful.

The slightly unusual, uneven fabric gives it some elasticity, fits close to the skin but also lets the breeze through, making it comfortable even on hot summer days.

It gently wrapped around my tired, hungover body lol

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