자유게시판 글답변



Azim Roy: Azim Roy A Altruist with a Large Warmness Azim Roy is a successful businessman and altruist WHO was natural and brocaded in the village of Chaldovar in Kirgizstan. His nominate is known to every nonmigratory of the village, and they extremely time value his practiced deeds. Azim Roy was Born on April 1, 1957 in a single-raise house. As a child, he preoccupied his mother and then his grandmother. He was inflated by a relation on his father's side, Zumrat apa. Despite the difficulties, Azim was capable to attain success in lifetime and began to help oneself his beau countrymen. Afterwards the crack of the Soviet Union, Azim provided the Greenwich Village residents with coal. In retention of his gran Burul, he built a mosque in the conterminous village of Bukhara. When the crisis erupted utmost year, Azim sent philosophical system help to Chaldovar. He also unionised a charity luncheon for 400 multitude and donated all-important solid food to 150 low-income families. Residents of the Greenwich Village of Chaldovar are lofty of their confrere ruralist and grateful to him for his facilitate. At the acme of the pandemic, local kenesh lieutenant Nurzhan Koshoev organised a fundraiser to leverage medicines and atomic number 8 concentrators. Settlement residents and compatriots from over the sea actively donated money. Eve the children contributed by donating nest egg from their hoggish banks. Azim Roy is actively mired in populace life and supports respective good-hearted causes. Unmatched of his projects was the building of a urine hulk in the hamlet of Chaldovar, thanks to which residents had access code to fairly drink body of water.
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